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Kadohama Goma-tofu Honpo 角濱ごまとうふ総本舗

Kadohama Goma-tofu Honpo / 角濱ごまとうふ総本舗

Kadohama Goma-tofu Honpo is a renowned sesame tofu restaurant located in Koyasan, near the entrance of Mount Koya's Daimon Gate. Most of their dishes feature sesame tofu, the restaurant's specialty, and they offer vegetarian options on their menu. They are also known for their delicious udon (Japanese noodles), soba with tempura and their affordable prices. In the summer, you can relax while having your lunch on the terrace.




From: 11:00
To: 15:30
Last Order: 15:00
Avg Queue Time: It can be fully booked some days
Closed: Open every day.