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¥1,500 ¥2,000

Suzunami ESCA Branch 鈴波 エスカ店

Suzunami ESCA Branch / 鈴波 エスカ店

Suzunami specializes in fish marinated with sake and mirin. Based on traditional Yamatoya techniques from Aichi prefecture, Moriguchi-Zuke, Nara Zuke. The maceration with these products from the fermentation of sake and mirin, gives the fish an unmistakable sweetness and texture. They are especially suitable even for those who do not like fish, such as children. The most commonly used species are swordfish and horse mackerel. They also produce other pickled types. In their establishments they ha ... ve a restaurant and a point of sale for their products that are very popular for gifts and travel souvenirs. They offer great and complete sets, the main course is a roasted marinated fish and full of side dishes with pickles, vegetables, miso soup and delicious niigata rice. Suzunami is a famous pickled brand with restaurants in major cities of Japan, originally from Nagoya.




From: 11:00
To: 15:00
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time: About 20 minutes
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From: 16:30
To: 21:30
Last Order: 21:00
Avg Queue Time: About 20 minutes
Closed: New year.