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¥10,000 ¥18,000

Umeno Sushi (Umenozushi) 梅乃寿司 (うめのずし)

Umeno Sushi (Umenozushi) / 梅乃寿司 (うめのずし)

Considered one of the best sushi restaurants in Hakodate, Umeno Sushi (pronounced Umenozushi in Japanese) offers fresh local fish from Hakodate. The owner previously trained at famous restaurants in Sapporo and Tokyo. The menu is primarily seasonal and changes according to what arrives daily at the market. Some of the delicacies you can savor include sea urchin, cuttlefish, sardine, and octopus, all elevated to another level due to the exquisite skill of the chef and the way he crafts each pi ... ece of sushi by hand. It is not well known among tourists as there is no English menu, but it is worth the challenge. The best option is to order an "omakase menu" (chef's recommendation, a set menu where you can add anything you like from the counter by pointing). Located in a quiet residential neighborhood on a street lined with cherry trees that usually bloom in late April or early May in this part of Japan. Recommended by Japan Gourmet Pass.


  • Tipo de Comida
  • Precios
    lunch ¥10,000, dinner ¥18,000
  • Menú Traducido al
    Menú del chef
  • Capacidad
    40 Asientos
  • Métodos de Pago
    Efectivo, Tarjeta de crédito
  • Caracteristicas
    Reserva gratuita
    Minimum reservation of 3 weeks in advance. Minimum cancellation notice of 5 days in advance.



De: 12:00
A: 14:00
Último Pedido: 13:30
Tiempo aprox. de espera / cola: Solo con reserva
Cerrado: Domingo y 3r lunes.


De: 17:00
A: 22:00
Último Pedido: 21:30
Tiempo aprox. de espera / cola: Solo con reserva
Cerrado: Domingo y 3r lunes.